Youth Grades 3-5
Click your teacher's name to send them an email message . Click the lesson to go to the YouTube lessons.
Additional resources - Your child's Essential Elements book also has resources that should be utilized in addition to the videos that we are sending. If you go to the rear inside cover you will be find info to create a student account that will allow your child to tap into the many resources available to make practice time more valuable and enjoyable.
First Year Students (Essential Elements, Book 1)
Miss Gillian - How to tune your (child's) instrument (This is for all youth parents and those Youth Orchestra students that are ready to self tune)
Miss Emily - Lesson #1 p.15 (This is a review for Miss Emily's Colt Andrews class. Once mastered students may then proceed to Miss Peri's lessons)
Miss Peri - Lesson #1 p. 20 (This is for all first year students)
Miss Peri - Lesson #1 p. 21 (Time Signatures) (This is for all first year students)
Mr. Bryan - Lesson #1 pp. 20-21 (This may be viewed by all first year students and is specific to cellos)
Mr. Bryan - Lesson #1 p. 22 (Half note, half rest, repeat signs, Grandparent's Day, Michael Row the Boat Ashore)
Miss Gillian - Lesson #2 pp. 22-23 (half notes/4th finger) (This lesson is to be started after the above lessons are mastered)
Miss Emily - Lesson #3 p. 24 (This is for all first year students) - Rounds, Frere Jacques
Miss Peri - Lesson #4 p. 24 (This is for all first year students) - Harmony, Bile Them Cabbage Down
Miss Emily - Lesson #5 p. 25 (This is for all first year students) -Lightly Row
Miss Peri - Lesson #6 P. 25 (For all first year students) - Can Can
Second Year Students (Essential Elements, Book 2) - Miss Amanda/Miss Peri
Lesson #1 pp. 20-21 (This lesson is for all 2nd year students)
Lesson #2 p. 22 (New notes - Bb and Eb, Hot Cross Buns)
Lesson #3 p. 23 (Bb Major Scale, Slovakian Folk Song, Cavalier Country, Ayn Kalokaynu)
Third Year Students - Miss Wendy/Miss Amanda
Lesson #1 D minor (This lesson is for all 3rd year students)
Lesson #2 G minor (p. 29 - Hatikvah and G minor Natural Scale)
Lesson #3 p. 30 (Mixed Meter)
Supplemental Materials